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**Hylton CC summer camp**

Hylton CC summer camp

Friday 2nd August 2019

As expected places are filing fast on our hugely popular junior
Summer Camp at Hylton CC.
Call 07840273845 or follow the link in merchandise page to book.
Act fast so you don't miss out as numbers are strictly limited as we pride ourselves on small player to coach ratios, enabling maximum learning
Open to all ages 7+
DATE: August 12th, 13th & 14th.
TIME: 10am til 3pm.
COST: £20 per day, or £55 for all 3 days
This camp is a progressive course over 3 days, those attending full camp will get the most learning experience.
Packed lunch required, we ask that people nut products in their lunches as players may have allergies.
This camp will be weather dependant, we have a contingency for a shower or two. However if really bad weather we maybe able to utilise an extra day if convenient for all parties.