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**Academy Trials**

Academy Trials

Thursday 1st December 2022

Allroundcricketcoaching Academy pathway age group teams playing various clubs, counties and Academy tours during 2023.
Going forward the Allroundcricketcoaching Academy will be building on our success of helping aspiring players achieve their desired levels, by bridging the gap between club and county.

We are committed to running at least 4 Academy sides in from u13 to senior age group for men/ boys and 1or 2 girls u13 / 15 level. These squads will receive regular training and matches throughout the season with the desire to provide a touring opportunity to type package.

If you would like to challenge yourself by being part of the Allroundcricketcoaching Academy. As there was competition for places on this seasons Northern Reivers team, trials for 2023 will begin in the new year.

We would invite anyone wishing to be considered and take part in trials to follow link below and input "Academy Trials" in the venue box.

The deadline for applications will be December 21st 2022.

Then we will advise of trial information.