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Leadgate Junior Cricket Camp
Thursday 15th June 2023
We are excited to announce our next cricket camp will be held at Leadgate Cricket Club.
From past experience we know this will prove very popular as our camps always fill fast.
Summer Camp at Leadgate CC
August 7th & 8th
Age 9+
10am til 3pm.
This camp is a progressive course over 2 days, those attending full camp will get the most learning experience.
Players will learn in small focus groups according to their abilities and experience to date. They will learn all aspects of match play through game based scenarios and drills testing both their mental and tactical
Packed lunch required, please avoid nuts as players may have nut allergies.
This camp will be weather dependant, we have a contingency for a shower or two. However if really bad weather we maybe able to utilise an extra day if convenient for all parties.